Broome Urgent Care Clinic

We give you and your family more options to see a doctor or nurse when you need urgent, but not life-threatening, care.

Open 7 days a week
8:00am – 4:00pm

Walk in – No appointment is needed. Bulk Billed.

Unit 3/19 Hamersley St,
Broome WA 6725

Urgent Care

When you have an injury or illness that can’t wait for a regular GP appointment but is not life-threatening.

Medicare UCCs will refer you to the emergency department if you have a life-threatening injury or illness, or to your GP for non-urgent, routine and preventative health care.

General Care

When you have an injury or illness that can wait for an appointment with your local GP.

If you have a long-standing health problem that is stable, book an appointment with your GP. If you need a general check-up, non-urgent mental health advice, family planning advice, vaccinations, prescriptions or referrals your GP is the best person to speak to. Some GPs are able to provide same day appointments.

Emergency Care

If you or a loved one has a life-threatening injury or illness, do not attend a Medicare UCC. Call triple zero (000) or go to your nearest emergency department.

Do not attend a Medicare UCC when there is:


  • Medicare UCCs will ease the pressure on our hospitals and give Australian families more options to see a healthcare professional when they have an urgent, but not life-threatening, need for care.

  • The clinics will:
    • accept walk-in patients.
    • provide free (bulk-billed) services.
    • be open for extended hours.
    • provide treatments that do not require a hospital admission, such as for some broken bones, wounds, and minor illnesses and burns.
    • be based in existing GP clinics and health centres.

  • Medicare UCCs do not provide chronic disease management plans or preventive health procedures such as cervical screening tests. Your local or regular GP should be your first point of contact for routine and non-urgent health care.

  • Find a Medicare UCC near you at
  • It will be free to attend a Medicare UCC for urgent care like minor injuries and illnesses including closed fractures, simple eye injuries, minor burns, UTIs or ear infections.

  • If you have a Medicare card or number, bring it with you when you visit a Medicare UCC.
  • Medicare UCCs will be open throughout and after normal business hours.

  • For specific clinic opening hours, contact the clinic directly or visit their website once they are open.

  • You can find a list of Medicare UCCs that have opened at
  • Urgent care is when you need medical attention for an illness or injury that can be managed without a trip to the emergency department but cannot wait for a regular appointment with a GP.

  • If you present to a Medicare UCC with a routine or non-urgent health condition, the clinic may refer you to a local GP or medical practice.

  • If you think you may need emergency care, do not go to a Medicare UCC. Call triple zero or go directly to your nearest emergency department.

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